How to Write a 2 Weeks’ Notice (+ Templates)

December 21, 2023

11 min read

When you leave your job, it’s typical to put in your 2 weeks’ notice to give your employer time to prepare to find a replacement. However, if you’ve never written one before (or if it’s been awhile since you changed jobs), it can be a bit tricky to start that first draft. 

We’ll walk you through how to write a 2 weeks’ notice, how to practice it, templates to follow, and answer some commonly asked questions on the subject so you know what to expect. 

What Is a 2 Weeks’ Notice?

A 2 weeks’ notice is essentially a heads-up to your supervisor that you’ll be moving on to another employment opportunity in 2 weeks. A 2 weeks’ notice usually comes in the form of an email, a short letter, or a verbal notice of your resignation. Even if you give your notice verbally, you’ll still want to have something in writing for your records and your employer’s. 

This will not only inform your employer that you’ll be leaving the company, but also when your last day is. 

Is a 2 weeks’ notice 10 days or 14 days?

A 2 weeks’ notice refers to two working weeks — AKA, 10 business days. Although 2 weeks is usually 14 days, business days don’t include the weekends.

Even though giving a 2 weeks’ notice implies that you’ll be leaving after 10 days, you can include the date of your actual last day so there’s no room for confusion. 

Is it better to give 2 or 3 weeks’ notice?

For most employers, a 2 weeks’ notice gives them plenty of time to prepare for your departure. However, if you have an especially close relationship with the company or your supervisor, you can always opt for a 3 weeks’ notice instead. Just know that this isn’t required. It’s totally up to your discretion. 

Can your boss fire you for giving 2 weeks’ notice?

Some people worry that when they put in their 2 weeks, their boss will retaliate by firing them. Unfortunately, this is always a possibility. Your boss can fire you for giving your 2 weeks’ notice if they want to. That’s because your employer can fire you as they see fit. 

Employers who fire their employee after they gave their supervisor their notice might do so for a variety of reasons. For example, the employer might feel offended by the employee’s decision to leave the company.

Still, this usually isn’t the case when you give your boss your 2 weeks’ notice. 

Can a workplace deny your 2 weeks’ notice?

A workplace can deny your 2 weeks’ notice by “refusing” to accept it. However, you have the power in this scenario. 

If you give your notice and your employer doesn’t “accept” it, it doesn’t matter. This type of notice is a courtesy, so if your boss tries to reject it, you still don’t have to work past your intended last day. Your employer could fire you as a way to “reject” your notice, but as mentioned above, this isn’t the most likely scenario. 

Does a 2 weeks’ notice have to be written?

Although you usually give your 2 weeks’ notice verbally, you should still have it in writing. That way, you and your employer both have a record to refer back to. For example, if your supervisor forgot what date your intended last day was, they can refer back to your email or written letter. 

How to Use AI to Practice Giving Your 2 Weeks’ Notice

One of the most overlooked aspects of giving your 2 weeks’ notice is actually practicing it. Although some people write an email, many prefer to give their notice in person. If you’re planning to give a verbal 2 weeks’ notice, here’s how you can use AI to practice. 

You can start by downloading and exploring Yoodli, an AI-powered conversation coach that analyzes your speech to provide data-backed suggestions for improvement. Yoodli is free to start, meaning you’ll be able to use the tool without having to pay for a subscription. 

This conversation coach can make sure you’re not only prepared to give your 2 weeks’ notice, but also that you’re feeling confident to do so. It’s one of the most realistic ways to practice giving your notice as it’s a completely customizable experience. 

A screenshot of Yoodli's conversation coach to practice giving a 2 weeks' notice
It’s always a good idea to practice giving your 2 weeks’ notice beforehand.

For example, you can choose the topic — in this case, giving your 2 weeks’ notice — along with the intended recipient. For this scenario, it would likely be your boss, your employer, or your manager. Then, choose their personality. This is especially helpful as everyone has their own distinct personality. Your boss might be the friendliest person on the planet, or maybe they’re more reserved. Whatever it may be, having the ability to curate your conversation coach to resemble your actual manager makes it all the more realistic. 

Once you have your preferred conversation coach settings all situated, you can begin the simulation to practice giving your 2 weeks’ notice. 

The AI conversation coach will use generative AI to listen to your notice and ask intelligent follow-up questions and responses.  

At the end of your conversation, you’ll receive an analytics report with metrics related to your speech, such as your speaking pace, word choice, body language, and filler word usage. Yoodli also provides actionable feedback and tips that you can use to make sure you’re comfortable and ready to give your notice. 

Using the Yoodli AI conversation coach, you can practice giving your 2 weeks’ notice.

How to Write a 2 Weeks’ Notice

Whatever your reasons for leaving a job are, once you’ve made up your mind, it’s time to start drafting your notice. Here’s how to write a 2 weeks’ notice in three easy steps.

1. Decide when you’d like your last day to be. 

The first step in writing any 2 weeks’ notice is deciding when your last day will be. If you want your notice to be exactly 2 weeks, calculate 10 business days out from the current date. 

Depending on your relationship with your boss or the company, circumstances could affect what day you choose. For example, if it’s during a major event or during an extra busy period, you might want to postpone giving your notice. 

Another factor that could affect when you’d like your last day to be is whether or not you’ve locked in your new job. You might want to wait until you’ve signed your new contract or at least verbally accepted your new position before giving your 2 weeks’ notice. 

Still, since this type of notice is just a courtesy to your employer, you can decide exactly what date you’d like to be your last day at work. 

2. Choose what format you’d prefer.

Although you’ll most likely tell your boss in person that you’ll be putting in your 2 weeks, you should still plan to have it in writing, too. The format you choose can affect how you write your 2 weeks’ notice. 

For example, the most popular formats are email and brief letter formats. Email is the most common form. Letters are typically seen as more formal, so it’s up to you what feels best. 

3. Write a draft using a 2 weeks’ notice template.

Once you’ve hammered out all the details, it’s time to write your 2 weeks’ notice. These types of notices usually have three to four components: an introduction, a statement of gratitude, a statement about the transition, and a closing. 

The introduction is where you’ll tell your employer that you intend to leave the company. You can also give your boss an exact date as to when your last day will be. 

Following this, most people like to express gratitude for the opportunity to have worked with the company and coworkers. You can personalize this aspect by highlighting a few specific positive experiences you had while working there. 

You can also mention that you’re willing to help with the transition, whatever that may look like. For example, you could offer to train your replacement if that’s a realistic responsibility for you. 

When closing, you can again thank your employer for the opportunity to have worked with them and express any willingness to keep in touch if that’s something you’d like. 

You create your draft by using a 2 weeks’ notice template. We’ve provided a few examples below.

2 Weeks’ Notice Template

A 2 weeks’ notice template can help you better organize your thoughts and intent, as opposed to starting from scratch. Here are a couple of templates to experiment with and facilitate the writing process. 

A casual 2 weeks’ notice template

If you have a more casual relationship with your boss (or if you’re just looking for a more informal template), this 2 weeks’ notice template might be best. Here’s what that might look like: 

Email subject line: Resignation Notice

Hi [your boss’ name], 

I hope my email finds you well! I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be resigning from my role as [your position title] at [where you work]. My last day will be [the date you’d like to be your last day].

I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to work with you and the team at [where you work]. Your constant support and guidance is so appreciated and I’ll look back on my time at [where you work] with fond memories. 

If there’s anything I can do to help with the transition, let me know. I’m more than happy to help train my replacement or document my position responsibilities for them. Just let me know if there’s anything in particular that you’d like me to do. 

Thank you again for all you’ve done for me at [where you work]. 

Best always,

[Your name]

A more formal 2 weeks’ notice template

If you’re looking for a more formal template, that’s OK too. This 2 weeks’ notice template can be customized for email or in the form of a short letter. It’s totally up to you. It could look something like: 

Email subject line: Resignation Notice

Dear [your boss’ name],

I hope my email finds you well. I would like to formally submit my resignation as [your position] at [where you work], effective [your ideal last day]. 

I’m grateful for the opportunity to have worked at [where you work] and to have grown both professionally and personally. 

During my final two weeks, please let me know if you would like me to do anything to help facilitate the transition. Rest assured, all my tasks and current projects will be wrapped up by [the date of your last day].

Thank you again for understanding. 


[Your name]

What Happens If You Don’t Give a 2 Weeks’ Notice?

Even though a it’s is pretty standard across all industries, many people wonder what would happen if you don’t give a 2 weeks’ notice. Many people who work in a toxic work environment for example are less motivated to give this type of notice. 

Although it’s standard, it’s not usually required, unless it’s written into your contract. However, not giving a 2 weeks’ notice could have consequences. 

For example, not giving a notice could: 

  • Damage your reputation in the industry
  • Cause your coworkers to resent you
  • Make it more difficult to get a job
  • Have financial consequences, like withheld pay 
  • Ruin professional relationships

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you give a 2 weeks’ notice.

Can I quit without notice?

Technically, yes, you can quit without notice (depending on your contract). However, it’s usually not recommended. That’s because it can be considered “burning bridges,” as the employer will likely not be recommending you for any future positions. On top of that, you won’t be able to use that employer as a reference. 

Even if you’ve made up your mind and plan on quitting without notice, double check your contract before you do. If your contract requires you to give an official 2 weeks’ notice, quitting without formally doing so could result in legal trouble, like a lawsuit. 

Is it OK if I give a 1 week notice?

Yes, giving a 1 week notice is acceptable. Remember that a 2 weeks’ notice is a courtesy to your employer (unless your contract requires it). That means it’s up to you how much notice you’d like to give them. 

With shorter notices, that gives your boss less time to prepare to fill your position after you leave. It could inconvenience your coworkers too, which could cause them to resent you. 

If you want to continue a professional relationship or use your employer as a reference, it’s best to give the full 2 weeks’ notice. 

Can I leave before my 2 weeks’ notice is up?

Technically speaking, you can leave before your 2 weeks’ notice is up (as long as there’s no contractual obligations). However, making this decision usually comes with consequences. 

When you leave before your 2 weeks is up, this could also be considered “burning bridges,” as you won’t be able to use that employer as a reference. Your coworkers will likely have to pick up any slack and complete your tasks until your employer finds a replacement. 

Leaving before your 2 weeks is up might also damage your professional reputation. 

The Main Takeaway 

At the end of the day, it’s a good idea to write a 2 weeks’ notice when leaving your current position. Just make sure you practice giving your notice beforehand and have a new job lined up before you announce your departure.



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