MEDDPICC Sales Methodology: Everything You Should Know

September 3, 2024


9 min read

Lead qualification isn’t always easy, but tapping into a framework like the MEDDPICC sales methodology can facilitate the process.

In our how-to guide, we’ll detail everything reps need to know about MEDDPICC, including its criteria, how it differs frmo MEDDIC, its benefits and drawbacks, and how sales leaders can implement it at-scale across their organizaitons. 

What Is the MEDDPICC Sales Methodology?

The MEDDPICC sales methodology is a framework reps can use for lead qualification. MEDDPICC itself is an acronym of specific criteria folks can use to prioritize potential buyers. It’s especially useful for navigating complex sales processes, and some of the best sales training companies rely on this framework. 

What does MEDDPICC stand for?

MEDDPICC is an acronym that stands for metrics, economic buyer, decision criteria, decision process, paper process, identify pain, champion, and competition. When reps follow the MEDDPICC sales methodology, the metrics they consider include: 

  • Metrics, or data that quantifies success like key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Economic buyer, AKA, the person with the power to make purchase decisions 
  • Decision criteria, or the elements a potential buyer will use to make a decision
  • Decision process, or the relevant steps a buyer might use during the decision-making process
  • Paper process, AKA, all the paperwork, documentation, and administrative processes needed when leads become buyers
  • Identify pain, or the pain points a potential customer experiences (this can also include the implication of pain, or the negative results of not acknowledging the buyer’s needs)
  • Champion, or the person who advocates for the sale within the potential buyer’s organization
  • Competition, AKA, all the other products or services the prospect is considering

Salespeople who stick to this criteria can facilitate lead qualification and better prioritize potential buyers.


MEDDPICC and MEDDIC are similar in that they’re both used to better qualify leads. The original MEDDIC methodology eventually led to MEDDPICC, an iteration of the original. The main difference between the two frameworks is that the MEDDPICC sales methodology includes two additional components to the acronym: paper process and competition. 

The sales landscape is constantly evolving, and the MEDDPICC sales methodology reflects just how complex these environments can be. Folks working in sales should always be ready to grow and adapt to such a dynamic marketplace. 

How to Apply the MEDDPICC Sales Methodology

Because the MEDDPICC sales methodology is straightforward and well-defined, in theory, it’s easy to learn and apply. The challenging part comes when sales leaders are facing at-scale implementation for their teams and organizations as a whole. 

If you’re unfamiliar with this framework, here’s how you can get started applying MEDDPICC for sales processes.

1. Get ready to do some research.

The first step for the MEDDPICC sales methodology is information gathering. Reps will end up gathering lots of information and data throughout the process, but the first two key pieces of information should be about the lead and any key stakeholders.

For example, a sales rep might kick things off by getting information about who the lead is, including their industry and employer. It’s also a great time to pinpoint who the main stakeholders are. Most reps narrow in on the person who has the authority to make decisions, which is great. However, don’t forget other stakeholders who might have a strong influence, too. 

2. Understand the potential buyer’s metrics. 

Metrics are essential when it comes to a framework like MEDDPICC, so reps need to be ready to break down the potential buyer’s metrics. This step involves getting a clearer idea of the client’s objectives and goals (and how the customer quantifies those). 

A rep’s job is to offer solutions, so getting a solid understanding of these metrics can help reps better position their solution to help a buyer meet said metrics. 

3. Figure out your economic buyer is. 

The economic buyer is another key component of MEDDPICC. Remember, this will be the person who has the financial authority to make decisions regarding the purchasing process. For example, common culprits when it comes to the economic buyer include executives like a CFO or CEO. However, it doesn’t have to be. 

4. Get familiar with the buyer’s decision criteria.

There’s a reason MEDDPICC includes decision criteria: It allows reps to better understand what factors a potential customer will use when making a purchasing decision. Some of these criteria might be more obvious than others. For example, the client’s budget will often determine — at least, in part — whether or not a purchase is possible. 

Other decision criteria buyers might use to make a decision include things like any benefits or special features the solution offers. A brand’s reputation can also be reflected in their decision criteria. Knowing these criteria will help reps tailor their approach to the buyer. 

5. Understand what the decision process will look like. 

Although knowing the buyer’s decision criteria is a must, it’s just as important for reps to understand the steps of the decision process. Reps should have a clear roadmap that outlines the steps involved. 

Taking the time and effort to outline the process might sound intensive, but it’s essential for the success of a framework like MEDDPICC. It allows reps to plan for and pinpoint potential setbacks, barriers, and key decision points. 

6. Identify the buyer’s pain points. 

Just like in an approach like SPIN selling, pinpointing the potential customer’s pain points isn’t a step you’ll want to skip. What are the needs, frustrations, and pain points of the client? The end goal is to appropriately address their needs without promising more than what’s realistically available in terms of deliverables.

This is also a great time to think about the negative effects of not acknowledging the client’s pain points and needs. Reps can even quantify this through aspects like lost opportunities and possible costs.  

7. Unearth your champion.

One of the final criteria of MEDDPICC is the champion, AKA, the person who has the authority and power to make purchase decisions. This will be someone in the client’s company or organization who advocates for the solution, be it a product or service. 

The goal here with unearthing the champion is to form a relationship with them, build rapport, and then lean on their support. This can make the sales process much easier when it comes down to it. 

8. Evaluate the competition. 

Finally, reps should get a good idea of the competition. Where does your solution, whatever your product or service may be, compare to the top alternatives? This component of MEDDPICC emphasizes the importance of finding your unique selling proposition (USP) and demonstrating how you and your solution stand out from the crowd.

Once you’re familiar with the various steps to implementing the MEDDPICC sales methodology, you’re ready to practice. 

Using Yoodli for MEDDPICC Sales Training

At its core, MEDDPICC is meant to be a simple, straightforward methodology for reps to follow. Its clear-cut criteria facilitate lead qualification across the board. However, if you work within a large or even a medium-sized organization, implementing at-scale MEDDPICC training can be a significant challenge. But thanks to Yoodli, it doesn’t have to be.

Yoodli is an intelligent virtual sales coach that uses AI technology to help sales leaders train their reps at scale, no matter how large the organization. Practicing the MEDDPICC sales methodology in a safe, risk-free environment is an absolute must, especially for reps who are unfamiliar with the framework. Instead of having reps practice during real calls with leads, they can practice in realistic, simulated sales roleplays via Yoodli.

This gives reps a chance to get comfortable with the methodology and sharpen their existing skills to make qualifying leads that much easier. 

Reps can practice implementing the MEDDPICC sales methodology with Yoodli.

Organization leaders can have their sales team implement MEDDPICC in simulated cold calls or inbound and outbound discovery to get data-backed sales coaching feedback. By implementing this feedback, sales teams can grow exponentially and sharpen their skills — both new and existing skill sets — in a risk-free environment. 

Not only that, but Yoodli has a proven track record for at-scale training and implementation. Well-known brands have already used Yoodli for increased seller attainment and decreased ramp, namely orgs like Dale Carnegie, Korn Ferry, and even Google.

A woman with short brown hair uses Yoodli to practice MEDDPICC.
Practicing implementing MEDDPICC with Yoodli’s realistic roleplays.

Recently, Google Cloud leveraged Yoodli to get over 15,000 reps up on the same page through at-scale training and implementation. The results of the case study were so positive, that Google ended up using Yoodli in other programs, too.  

Learn how you and your sales team can use Yoodli to implement the MEDDPICC sales methodology (or any other sales framework, for that matter) at

MEDDPICC Benefits and Drawbacks

Although MEDDPICC is commonly used, it has its benefits and disadvantages, just like any other sales framework. If you’re interested in implementing MEDDPICC to improve lead qualification, here are the benefits and drawbacks to be aware of.

MEDDPICC benefits

The MEDDPICC sales methodology has a handful of worthwhile benefits reps should know. One of the more obvious benefits to MEDDPICC is that it’s a comprehensive, easy-to-understand methodology. The criteria is straightforward and clear-cut. Having such a structured approach for a nuanced process like lead qualification is a huge plus. 

In fact, this framework’s criteria offers another advantage: providing specific insight into the buyer’s process for decision makers. For sales reps, that means MEDDPICC allows for more personalized approaches to sales as opposed to a more general approach like with other sales methodologies. 

For example, having reps pinpoint the key stakeholders through the MEDDPICC criteria helps provide a clearer picture of who has the purchasing power and specifically, who the economic buyer is. 

Because this framework has a dedicated criteria for metrics, there’s an added level of importance to being able to measure and quantify success. This is critical, especially when it comes to other aspects beyond the sale, such as GTM alignment. Your go-to-market team can get on the same page and align their efforts to achieve whatever organizational goals have already been laid out. 

Drawbacks of the MEDDPICC sales methodology 

No framework is perfect, and the MEDDPICC sales methodology isn’t an exception to this rule. 

Sometimes methodologies can tiptoe around the line between beneficial and detrimental. For example, the complexity of MEDDPICC is often celebrated, but other sales leaders consider it to be a significant drawback. All the various criteria within this methodology make it more complex than other frameworks (like MEDDIC, for example). It can also make it a more time-consuming process, especially when considering at-scale implementation for large companies. 

Similarly, the emphasis on data and metrics can also be considered a drawback. It can take reps a long time to gather all the essential data needed to fit the criteria (and, according to some reps, it can be a major pain). 

One of the other disadvantages to MEDDPICC is the tendency for sales reps to depend on the framework too heavily. For example, some reps follow the criteria to a T, but end up with a more uncompromising approach. This can inevitably lead to lost leads and less closed deals. 

It’s also important to keep in mind that the MEDDPICC sales methodology isn’t guaranteed to get at every single nuance a potential buyer faces during their decision-making process. 

The Main Takeaway

When it comes to lead qualification, MEDDPICC is an excellent framework to explore. Prioritizing potential buyers is much easier when you follow a straightforward criteria to better sell your solution to said buyer. Even though it can be complicated to implement across a large organization, tapping into a sales enablement tool like Yoodli can revolutionize the process. 



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