7 Best Confidence Affirmations (Examples + Practice)

March 2, 2023


7 min read

Everyone struggles with their confidence sometimes. It’s completely normal. However, self-esteem and confidence are central to your happiness. Sometimes, exploring a few confidence affirmations can help.

In this guide, we’ll break down what confidence affirmations are, how they work, the top seven best confidence affirmation examples, and how to practice them effectively.

What Are Confidence Affirmations?

Confidence affirmations are short phrases you say to yourself that are designed to improve your self-esteem and confidence. They’re a great, accessible way for folks to cope with the stressors of everyday life.

What Is Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem is how you think about and value yourself. It’s ingrained in yourself and can be hard to change if you have a low self-esteem. It’s definitely a process, but improving your self-esteem is possible (we’ll get to that later). 

Your self-esteem can affect how you see your strengths, handle mistakes, make decisions, value yourself, and move past difficult things. If you have low-self esteem, you’re definitely not alone. 

Low self-esteem can be a result of many factors, including: 

  • Bullying 
  • Experiencing discrimination and prejudice
  • Being fired or laid off
  • Your body image
  • Abuse
  • Mental health conditions
  • Among many other interrelated factors

As you might guess, self-esteem is also closely related to your confidence, too.

What Is Confidence?

Confidence — specifically self-confidence — is your ability to believe in yourself and your abilities. Your confidence feeds into whether you can face challenges and affects how you act when you meet these obstacles.

When you’re confident, you trust yourself and your abilities. You feel like you can tackle any and every obstacle and you feel positive about the future. If you feel like you need some practice, check out the seven best tips for how to speak with confidence.

The relationship between your self-esteem and your confidence is this: The more value you place on yourself, the more confidence you’ll have. 

Do Affirmations Increase Your Confidence?

When repeated regularly, these affirmations can actually change negative behavior patterns and thoughts, thus increasing your self-esteem and confidence.

However, there’s a caveat: They need to fit you and your life. Plus, confidence affirmations have to be genuine. 

There’s such a thing as toxic positivity, which refers to the idea that no matter what, you should be positive. Denying hardships to cope can have serious negative effects, which is why it’s so important for your confidence affirmations to be genuine and true to your situation.

For example, if your affirmation is, “I can do difficult things,” you might tweak it to reflect hardships that you’re facing. In that case, the affirmation that might be best for you could be, “Even though things can be difficult, I’m totally capable of handling it.” 

Let’s explore some general confidence affirmations.

Top 7 Best Confidence Affirmations

Confidence affirmations can vary person to person — there’s no “one size fits all” affirmation. The best part about these types of affirmations is that you can tailor them to your specific needs.

Here are the top seven best confidence affirmations to say to yourself every morning before starting your day:

  1. I can do anything I want to. 
  2. I am worthy of love. 
  3. I am learning and growing more every day.
  4. I can do difficult things.
  5. There is nothing I can’t overcome.
  6. I believe in myself.
  7. I am completely in control of my life.

Remember: affirmations are simplistic in nature so they can apply to lots of people. If you feel like these don’t apply to you, feel free to tweak or replace them with affirmations that do apply to you. For example, you could take a simplistic affirmation like “I’m strong” and change it to “I have the strength to face what’s happening to me.”

Sometimes, acknowledging obstacles or hardships can help make the affirmations more relatable to you while also avoiding the concept of toxic positivity. 

How to Practice Your Confidence Affirmations (And Why You Should Practice)

Although you might not realize it, practicing your confidence affirmations is critical. It doesn’t matter that you’re just saying these affirmations to yourself. Just as you’d practice a presentation for work or school, or a speech, you need to practice saying affirmations (and not just in the mirror). 

Luckily, you can practice your confidence affirmations anywhere. But before you graduate to only saying them in the mirror to yourself, try practicing your confidence affirmations with a speech coach like Yoodli. Here’s why. 

When you’re saying your confidence affirmations out loud, it’s got to be believable. Otherwise, you might not take yourself seriously. Until you’ve got them nailed down, you’ll want to practice. 

To practice confidence affirmations with Yoodli, start by recording a video of yourself saying your affirmations (or you can upload an existing video of yourself doing the same. Be sure to say them as clearly as possible and remember your facial expressions. 

After you’re finished, review the instant analytics Yoodli provides. That way, you can see where you need to improve and implement those changes for when you do your daily affirmations in the mirror. That type of practice will make your affirmations that more effective!

What Are confidence affirmations
You can take advantage of Yoodli to practice your confidence affirmations.

Here’s an example. Let’s say that your pacing is a little fast. This could be the case if you’re just talking to yourself and not paying attention to your pace. Yoodli will point this out and give you suggestions to slow down, such as pausing. 

Whatever you need to work on, Yoodli will let you know. Users will get a full transcript of their confidence affirmations along with coaching comments and feedback. This AI speech coach will highlight not only your pacing, but also provide insights on the following:

  • Your word choice, such as weak words or repetition
  • Filler word usage, including which ones you use most often
  • Your body language, like facial expressions
  • And many other helpful analytics

However, you can use Yoodli for much more than just confidence affirmation practice — In fact, Yoodli is commonly used for: 

  • Interview practice and preparation
  • Speeches
  • Business or school presentations
  • Everyday conversation practice

You can learn more about Yoodli and how it works below:

Learn about Yoodli and how you can practice your confidence affirmations on its platform.

Regardless, this AI communication coach is perfect for getting comfortable saying these confidence affirmations. 

Quick Tips for Practicing Your Confidence Affirmations

Once you have your confidence affirmations and you’re ready to practice, great. You’re one step closer! Consider exploring the habits of highly confident speakers for some inspiration. 

Aside from that, hre are three other quick tips to help you practice your confidence affirmations. 

  1. Don’t give up. It’s easy to want to throw in the towel, especially if you’ve never tried confidence affirmations before. But don’t give up hope yet. Affirmations aren’t magical — you won’t wake up the next day a changed person. However, affirmations are a catalyst for real changes in your thinking and behaviors. Be patient and keep trying. 
  1. Practice positivity in your daily life. Although it’s easier said than done, try to practice daily positivity. Push back any negative thoughts or thinking and challenge those thoughts with positive ones. For example, if you start to think, “There’s no way I can handle this,” challenge that by thinking, “I have all the tools to handle this.” This also takes patience, but rewiring how your brain thinks in this way is helpful. 
  1. Write your confidence affirmations down. Even if you have them memorized, write down all your affirmations on sticky notes or a piece of paper. If possible, stick them all over your home where you can see them, such as on your bathroom mirror or in your bedroom (a nightstand next to your bed is a perfect place for them). That way, you’ll not only be practicing these affirmations, but you’ll visually see them as well. You could also keep your confidence affirmations on your phone (like in the “notes” section). 

Why Are Confidence Affirmations Important? 

Confidence affirmations are important because they help build up your self-esteem and confidence. When you’re in a tough spot, these affirmations can help build you up. They can also aid you in getting past negative behaviors or thoughts. These types of affirmations can act as a motivator for action, too. 

Confidence affirmations also give yourself a space to acknowledge your feelings and coach yourself through them without bottling your emotions up. 

In addition to that, confidence affirmations are also essential for helping you: 

  • Change the way you think
  • Overcome hardship
  • Channel positivity into your daily life
  • Focus on your goals and how you can achieve them

The Takeaway

Confidence affirmations can make a world of difference in your self-esteem and confidence. Ultimately, repeating these short, meaningful changes can actually change your life. 

To reap the benefits of confidence affirmations, choose affirmations that are specific to you (or tweak existing affirmations to better fit your situation). Once you’ve done that, practice them with a speech coach like Yoodli. 

Aim to say them three times a day and get into the habit of saying these to best improve your self-esteem and confidence.


Start practicing with Yoodli.

Getting better at speaking is getting easier. Record or upload a speech and let our AI Speech Coach analyze your speaking and give you feedback.

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