AI Roleplay: The Future of Sales Enablement

October 15, 2024


3 min read

A Conversation with Bill Pace of USB Payments and Esha Joshi of Yoodli

On September 26, Bill Pace, Marcelo Molina of USB Payments, and Esha Joshi of Yoodli discussed AI’s evolving role in sales enablement and training. They explored how AI-powered roleplays are becoming an essential tool for preparing sales teams, highlighting the efficiency and adaptability of this new, innovative approach.

What USB Payments Does

USB Payments specializes in providing efficient payment processing solutions that make transactions easier for businesses of all sizes. Their focus on technology not only improves efficiency but also enhances security, allowing clients to streamline their payment processes and boost customer satisfaction all at costs generally lower than their competitors. In the last 3 months, they’ve adopted AI roleplays in their sales training and it has led them to book 19% more meetings with a 20% improvement in meeting quality.

Why AI Roleplays Are the New Enablement Tool

Bill emphasized the impact of AI roleplays on training new sales reps at USB Payments, particularly in quickly ramping up their skills. Reflecting on a past experience, he noted, “That was the first time I’d had somebody in that kind of timeframe that we could get ramped up ready to go for an intricate, detailed product.” AI can compress training timelines and help salespeople master complex products faster than traditional methods.

The flexibility AI offers is another key advantage. “If we hear something consistently on calls that is different or new tomorrow, I could build that practice in by Monday.” This adaptability makes AI roleplays a responsive and evolving tool, allowing sales trainers to adjust role plays based on the latest challenges their teams face.

Building Confidence Through Practice

One of the standout themes from the conversation was how AI roleplays help sales reps build confidence. As Bill pointed out, many new reps feel uncomfortable during early stages of training, but repetitive practice with AI can smooth out that learning curve. “If I’ve done it, you know, 8, 10, 20 times with AI, it starts to come out a little bit more consistently,” he said.

AI roleplays also create a safe space for reps to experiment and refine their pitches without the pressure of real-time judgment. Marcelo, account executive at USB Payments, said, “I can be more confident with an AI and say things that I’m not necessarily ready to say to my decision maker… It’s good to practice on an AI where it doesn’t matter what they think; I can just reset it.”

This opportunity to test approaches, fail safely, and iterate helps reps prepare for high-stakes interactions, translating into better real-world performance. Bill noted, “If they start going for it with AI, pretty soon I start to hear them start to go for it in real life.” AI provides a bridge from practice to performance, turning simulations into tangible results.

Customized Roleplays for Real-World Challenges

The ability to tailor roleplays to reflect real-world sales scenarios is a game-changer for training programs. Bill shared how USB Payments customizes AI roleplays to address specific challenges reps encounter on live calls. “I could build all the problems that come up so they get to practice the things that we know are going to come up in live calls,” he explained.

This customization ensures that sales teams aren’t just practicing generic sales pitches—they’re rehearsing the actual hurdles they’re likely to face, making the training more practical and relevant.

Yoodli: A Leader in AI-Powered Roleplays

At the core of USB Payment’s shift towards AI-driven enablement is Yoodli’s coaching platform (explainer). Yoodli provides sales teams with an AI-powered sales coach that helps them refine their communication skills, overcome discomfort, and become more consistent in their delivery.

As Bill summed up, “One of the things I find with new sales reps is sometimes it’s just uncomfortable to talk to prospects. But through Yoodli, they can practice difficult conversations until they feel more at ease.” Yoodli has become a key partner in transforming the way sales teams at USB Payments, Google Cloud, and BDO New Zealand are trained and prepared.

Learn more about USB Payments here.


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