August 30, 2023
1 min read
Talking points are the main points or themes to address in a speech or conversation. These are the 3 or 5 most important ideas you want your listener to go away with at the end of your conversation. At an interview, this could be your education, previous work history, and hobbies as an example. Hitting your talking points helps you ensure that you stay on track during the conversation (and don’t lose your train of thought)
People use a variety of tricks to hit their talking points: Some people keep a sticky note with key points next to their laptop camera. Others scribble their talking points on a notepad they can refer to during the conversation.
With Yoodli, you can now use generative AI to help keep track of your talking points. Yoodli will provide you realtime nudges reminding you to hit the key points on your call.
In order to use Yoodli talking points, make sure to open the desktop app:
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